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VYASA PUJA OFFERING 2024: Bhakta Maxim


Yesterday marked the 128th anniversary of Shrila Prabhupada's divine appearance, and the B.L.I.S.S devotees celebrated by writing and reciting offerings to him.

A monk is eating a cake
Bhakta Maxim is an expert Prasadam enjoyer

Bhakta Maxim:

Hare Krishna Shrila Prabhupada,

I hope you are pleased on this appearance day of yours, I hope my minuscule offering provides some gratification to you. throughout the course of my life I have searched very intently for the absolute truth and have found you to be the only source. Without this wisdom I would be nowhere. and it is this wisdom that has allowed for your world-class disciple His Grace Purujit prabhu and the fine devotees he has trained up to cram your message into my thick skull.

Though I fail everyday to be worthy of your wisdom, you, in your bottomless mercy, grant it to me in the greatest degree whenever I seek it.

While I am not even close to earning the title of being a worthwhile servant of yourself and a devotee of Lord Krishna I am still, through your presence, granted the jewel of serving Him in the ways I can at this time.

On this auspicious day of your appearance I pray that I am granted the mercy of being engaged in serving you endlessly with all my ability and I pray that your message is spread to every corner of this phenomenal manifestation.

©2023 by Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society. 

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