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VYASA PUJA OFFERING 2024: Bhaktin Maria


The 27th August 2024 marked the 128th anniversary of Shrila Prabhupada's divine appearance, and the B.L.I.S.S devotees celebrated by writing and reciting offerings to him.

A beautiful female monk is looking away from the camera
Devotees of Lord Krishna have moonlike faces

Bhaktin Maria:

I offer my humble obeisances unto you, at your lotus feet. In times of uncertainty and fear, I have sought to connect with you from the depths of my heart. Yet, understanding your greatness and grasping your power is not always easy. During my most difficult moments, I cried out to you and Krishna, showing my love and devotion.

Shrīla Prabhupāda, you have been the guiding light in my life, leading me out of the darkness that had engulfed me for years. Without your presence and guidance, I would still be caught in the clutches of māyā—lost in addictions and bound by the pursuit of sense gratification that was destroying me. In the midst of that suffering, you found me in a dark cave and gently led me out with your compassionate hands. Your love has revealed to me the nectar of transcendental devotion. You remind me of a magnificent lotus flower blossoming after a harsh winter, spreading a fragrance of pure transcendence—a healing balm for my soul. You have become my guiding star, leading me back home to Godhead, to Krishna.

Every time I hear your teachings, I experience a bliss similar to a bee savoring sweet honey, just as my mind and soul should work together in harmony. For years, I unknowingly searched for this knowledge, wandering through a mundane existence. But through your books, my vision has been cleared, and I now understand Krishna with greater clarity. Your words have become deeply meaningful and transformative in my life. I cannot express enough gratitude for your guidance. Your teachings have brought immense positivity into my life.

With deep respect and heartfelt thanks, I once again offer my gratitude for your presence in my life. All glories to you, my Spiritual Master.

©2023 by Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society. 

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