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VYASA PUJA OFFERING 2024: Bhaktin Agata


Yesterday marked the 128th aniversary of Shrila Prabhupada's divine appearance, and the B.L.I.S.S devotees celebrated by writing and reciting offerings to him.

A female monk dances blissfully
Bhaktin Agata is in bliss

Bhaktin Agata:

Dear Shrila Prabhupada,

You are too glorious for me to understand

I wish to truly hear you, not just pretend

To always stay under Your protection,

that is my life’s ultimate perfection

Because You are the only safe place,

outside of time and outside of space

You accept even the most fallen souls,

and then you lead them to a safe shore

You came like a lightning, transcendental storm,

purification like never before

Your love for us knows no bounds,

how lucky we are to be here now

Singing and dancing, finally free,

forever glorifying our lord Hari!!!

Thank you Prabhupada,

Jaya Prabhupada!

©2023 by Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society. 

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