The Bhaktivedanta Lives In Sound Society (B.L.I.S.S.) proudly announces the opening of the new LONDON CENTRE!
His Grace Purujit Prabhu has been practicing and teaching others Krishna consciousness for over 15 years, and is now offering his guidance in London. The B.L.I.S.S is bringing the spiritual movement of chanting the Holy names of Krishna- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, the easiest and most sublime process of realizing one’s original and blissful consciousness, right into the heart of one of the busiest and most important cities in the world.
The B.L.I.S.S has a broad vision to spread this wonderful mass enlightenment movement all around the world, capitalizing on the great city of London’s sphere of influence.
Each day offers a new opportunity to bring people the happiness they are so much hankering for. The devotees (practitioners of Bhakti-yoga) become spiritually charged with their the daily practice of waking up early in the morning, before 4 a.m, taking a bath and engaging in chanting, prayers and meditation. Later in the morning they study and discuss the scriptures (an activity which you can actually join online and in person! Just go to our Facebook page - Expandthebliss) after which they honour light prasadam - food prepared and offered to Lord Krishna with love and devotion. Then the time comes to hit the streets! Charged with spiritual potency, the devotees take to the streets to distribute the books of our spiritual master Shrila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and chant Hare Krishna for the benefit of all who may hear this transcendental vibration. Look them up around the London Eye! Get kidnapped into the spiritual world.
We warmly invite you and welcome you to join us in this process of hearing and chanting the maha-mantra and those who can physically take part, in taking prasadam! In the future we plan to start transcendental love feasts filled with all kinds of wonderful vegetarian dishes, and also get a larger building in order to house more devotees and enlighten more guests. The classes and kirtans are broadcasted live daily on Facebook. Please visit and like our Facebook B.L.I.S.S. page! Share with and invite your friends! Become a part of this spiritual revolution. The Hare Krishnas are back!
Kindly support and help to expand the BLISS by giving a donation from your heart, and your life will be blessed by the mercy of Lord Shri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
All Glories to Shrila Prabhupada!