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Quick Ways to Get Money


Money makes the world go round, they say. Actually, Shrila Prabhupada says that this world is revolving around sex life, but for sex life, we need money. No one wants to elope with a homeless man. Of course, a Vaisnava renounces money and sex life, but this renunciation does not mean complete negation of these activities, but rather dovetailing them with the service of Shri Krishna. Sex life is not such a necessity for devotional service, but collecting money is. In this age of Kali, everything we need to live, which in previous yugas would have been free of cost, requires money. Essentials like fruits, vegetables, grains, shelter and even water have a price, thanks to the rascal government. As we are living in material bodies, we must keep the body and soul together, in a healthy condition, to propogate Krishna Consciousness, so here is some advice on how to stay wealthy.

Krishna is being greeted pompously, with fans. He has an entourage and a white umbrella is held over his head.
Shree Krishna arrives in Dwaraka

Spend your money on Krishna. Krishna is also known as Bhagavan, which means possesor of 6 opulences, namely: wealth, strength, fame, knowledge, renunciation and beauty. As Krishna is the rightful owner of all of these things, thus possesing them in full, he actually does not need any money from us. But, like a father who recieves a sweet from his small child, Krishna is very pleased when we give something back to him. It shows him that we love him.

'Just like a good boy surrenders to his father means whatever he earns, the money, at the end of month he puts in the hand of the father: "Oh, this is my month's earnings"; similarly, we have to sacrifice the fruits of our labor to Kṛṣṇa. This is the beginning of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.' (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 2 July 1968, Montreal)

'A poor man may try to earn money by hard labor, but one who is a very, very rich man's son, why should he labor? The father's money is sufficient. Similarly, a devotee, a sincere devotee, he is under the protection of Krishna. And under the protection of Krishna means under the protection of all six kinds of opulences: riches, then strength, then reputation, wisdom, renunciation, beauty—the six kinds of opulence.' (Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 4 August 1974, Vrndavana)

'This is the competition between Kṛṣṇa and His devotee. Kṛṣṇa wants to give everything to the devotee. He wants to see that "My devotee is very comfortable." Just like the father wants to see the children are very comfortable. So why the devotees should be hankering after something material? No. Kasmād bhajanti kavayo dhana-durmadāndhān (SB 2.2.5). Śukadeva Gosvāmī said. Why we should go to the puffed-up rich men for begging something? Kṛṣṇa will arrange for everything. My Guru Mahārāja used to say that "You do not try to preach for getting some money. Money will come automatically. On your feet money will say, 'Please accept me.' " You should preach very sincerely. That is your business. Never bother that "Where is money? Where is money, money, money?" Money... Muktir mukulitāñjaliḥ sevate asmān dharmārtha-kāma samaya pratīkṣāḥ. This is a statement of Bilvamaṅgala Ṭhākura.' (Lecture on S.B, April 10 1976, Vrindavan)

'My Guru Maharaja used to say "don't worry about money, Do something nice for Krishna and money will come." So we should always be thinking how to distribute the message of Krishna and surely He will give us facility. Even an ordinary man if he wants publicity then he gives so much money for the propaganda work. Similarly Krishna is not poor. He can supply any amount for the devotees who are engaged in broadcasting His glories.' (Letter to Karandhara, 30 November 1970, Bombay)

There are many ways in which you can spend money for Krishna, for example, purchasing bhoga to cook for him, buying clothes to dress his deity, buying his books so you can learn more about him, or donating to the temple where his movement is propagated.

Money is also called Lakshmi, the name of the Goddess of fortune. The goddess of fortune is described as being very cancala, restless, she does not like to stay in one place. The one place she is able to rest, however, is on the shoulder of her husband, Narayan (Krishna).

Maha Visnu is lying on his sesa naga and Goddess Lakshmi serves his lotus feet
Lakshmi-Narayan and their associates

So utilising your money in the service of the Lord will always bring prosperity, though this isn't something we should endeavour for...

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