Is there such a thing as perfection? Do you want a perfect answer? Yes? If yes, then there must be perfection. If my answer is imperfect then there is no need to answer. If whatever answer you have is imperfect then it's not valid.

Is there such a thing as perfection? Do you want a perfect answer? Yes? If yes, then there must be perfection. If my answer is imperfect then there is no need to answer. If whatever answer you have is imperfect then it's not valid. When you say there is no perfection, that means your answer is imperfect and thus it has no value. To make your statement valuable there must be perfection. Then your statement can make sense.
In order to be spiritually perfect there are many requirements: one has to completely give up meat eating, illicit sex, gambling, intoxication and sleeping, basically any kind of sense gratification. You have to give up everything for Krishna, you have to give one hundred percent of everything to Him and nothing for yourself. Whatever you do, eat or even think of, everything you do for Him only: "Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform—do that, O son of Kunti, as an offering to Me." [BG 9.27]
When you read all these regulations, initially it seems impossible to do that. What? No eating and sleeping? Are you crazy? Well yes, I am crazy, that is the qualification. Of course you don't do that artificially, but by acquiring higher taste which makes you overcome all these lesser enjoyments, like it says in the Bhagavad-Gita, "The embodied soul may be restricted from sense enjoyment, though the taste for sense objects remains. But, ceasing such engagements by experiencing a higher taste, he is fixed in consciousness." [BG 2.59].
Just like when you are in love with somebody, you don't feel distressed or even hungry, because you are fully absorbed in thought of that person. This simple, material example gives you a hint that it is possible to overcome. Another example is when you play video-games like I used to do; I hardly thought of eating, being tired or even going to have a pee. But can we achieve all that? Take this example: you are doing a test. In order to reach one hundred percent you must get 10 marks. The first time, you only do 7 marks. "Okay, Let me improve." So then you do 9 marks. Great, Just one point from achieving the perfect result. And finally... 10 marks. So your score is perfect. Then you have a bigger test where 100 marks is the perfect full score. So you do the same. Bingo, again you get one hundred percent. Then there is a test with 1000 marks, 10,000 marks or 1,000,000 marks etc. Each time you can get a perfect score. It's just relative.
Perfection is possible In any of those cases. And what's the process? To give up the lower taste and achieve the higher one. How? Chant Hare Krishna! It sounds odd, all this simply by chanting?
Some things might sound simple, but can have a big impact. Sometimes one sentence or even one word can change our whole life. You say one bad word to your brother and it can completely change your relationship forever, in bad way. But the Hare Krishna maha-mantra - Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare - can change your whole life in good way. Even though bad things might happen while chanting and practicing this maha-mantra: if done sincerely, Krishna will guide you and help you in such a way that you spiritually progress. Even bad things can make you progress. Never mind how simple it sounds, just try it out and Krishna and Shrila Prabhupada will help you.