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How Not to be Lazy


Laziness is one symptom of the people of the age of Kali Yuga. Even for the mundaner, indolence is an impediment to life. If you want to earn lots of money, get good grades, get fit, it takes a lot of effort. But especially for the devotee, spiritual advancement is hindered greatly by this disease. Krishna isn't so cheap. Laziness is generated from the mode of ignorance, which we must transcend in order to realize our eternally ecstatic nature. Here is what Shrila Prabhupada has to say on the topic:

Brick wall graffiti, saying:  If not now, then when?
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu says: Jiva Jago! - Wake up, sleeping Souls!

The Krishna conscious people, they should not be lazy. They should always remember that death is already there. Let me finish my business properly so that after death I may not be a cat and dog.

(Shrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 7 December 1975, Vrndavana)

Sleeping is very dangerous. It is to be understood that I am under the clutches of māyā, the more we sleep, because the symptom of tamo-guṇa is laziness and sleep. This is the symptom of tamo-guṇa, laziness and sleeping. And symptoms of rajo-guṇa—very active, but just like monkey. Monkeys are very active, but all injurious. (Shrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture, 31 October 1972, Vrndavana)

And those who are ignorant, means one does not know what is the value of life, lying down anywhere, lazy, sleeping, unclean, do not know the value of life, they are in ignorance. They are very firmly bound up. So liberation means the more you are enlightened the value of life, the more, then you become liberated. The more you become liberated, the more you are advanced in your spiritual knowledge, sat, sat, sat-saṅga.

(Bhagavad Gita Lecture, 22 August 1973, London)

Krishna consciousness does not mean laziness. We do not indulge. Just like Arjuna. This Bhagavad-gītā was taught to Arjuna. He wanted to retire, that "Krishna, why You are engaging me in this battlefield? Let me retire." So Krishna did not allow him to retire. To understand his position, that is require. Retirement, how you can retire? You cannot retire. So long you have got this body you have to work. If you do not work you have to beg. If you do not beg then you have to steal or you have to borrow. How you can retire? There is no question of retire. Retire means to retire from all foolish activities and engage yourself in real activities.

(Bhagavad Gita Lecture, 8 January 1969, Los Angeles)

So we have to be enthusiastic, "Yes, I shall become Krishna's devotee." Man-manā bhava mad-bhakto mad-yājī. Krishna says, "Worship Me," so we should be very much enthusiastic to worship Krishna, offer maṅgala-ārātrika, rise early in the morning. These are all enthusiasm, utsāha. Those who are not enthusiastic, lazy, lethargetic, they cannot advance in spiritual life. Simply sleeping, they cannot make. One must be very, very enthusiastic, positive. Utsāhād dhairyāt. Dhairya means patience, not that "Because I have begun devotional service with great enthusiasm..." So you are already on the perfectional platform, but if you become impatient that "Why I am not becoming perfect? Sometimes why māyā is kicking me?" Yes. That is habitual. That will go on. It will stop. Niśchayāt. Dhairyāt, niścayāt, that "When Krishna says, sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śharaṇaṁ vraja (BG 18.66), now I have given up everything. I have no other occupational duties. Simply to serve Krishna. So when I have taken to it, then niścaya, Krishna will surely give me protection." That is called niścaya. Don't be disappointed. Krishna is not a false speaker.

(Shrimad Bhagavatam Lecture, 7 January 1975, Bombay)

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