This is from the Matchless Gift magazine, volume 1. Matchless Gift is a brand new Krishna conscious magazine designed, written and edited by the BLISS devotees. All funds go towards spreading Srila Prabhupada's movement. If you like what you read, please support us and buy a copy here! poem
A Part, Apart

I sat by a tree and saw two pairs of feet
Prefaced by bejeweled cows, hopping rabbits, frogs, peaches, peacocks,
and buzzing bees
I could but peer at those two feets
Walking in unison, but walking isn’t the right word.
Absolutely effulgent
One, two golden pink
Three, four, blue
Unable to look up, near blinded by radiant light
I saw then only eyes
Lotus eyes
Only believed by being seen
The sweetest
The kindest
The strongest
The most enticing
The remedy for my poor, separated soul
Her Grace, perfection in divinity and devotion, in absolute knowing, Sri Sri Radharani
Gave me the grace of her transcendental words:
“Trust Prabhupada,” she said. “He understands Us.”
And so, with a heavy body, and a heart full of pain, an existence full of discomfort, and a linear path to detachment, to freedom,
I continue.